In this online-exhibition selected artists were invited from all over the world to envision the post-corona era, taking into consideration the socio-political and individual rearrangement and redeployment which will take place in a pandemic-free world. What is the new knowledge (gnosis - γνῶσις, gnōsis, f. in the Greek language) gained after a possible introspection during this isolation? Reflecting how the new world will be operating and the adaptation that it might entail, regnōsis* should be understood as a process of re-establishing and regaining knowledge in a scenario of a new order.
The exhibition will launch on April, 25th 2020.
Participating Artists:
Andrea Sonnenberg (US) @teenwitchsf
Androula Kafa (CY) @androula__
Baptiste Burlot (FR) @baptiste_burlot
Fumiaki Asai (JP) @23aki
Geralnd Zahn (AT) @geraldzahn
Johanna Walderdorff (DE) @atelier_walderdorff
Lefki Savvidou (CY) @leboob17
Łukasz Wierzbowski (PL) @lukasz_wierzbowski
Mat Lloyd (GB) @matlloydpoet
Moritz Berg (DE) @bergggggggggggggg
Nick Bueltge (DE) @replikant76
Nika Kupyrova (UA/AT) @nikakupyrova
Sergio Pradana (ES) @sergio_pradana
This exhibition is an initiative by Eleni Angastiniotou @angasel and Lefki Savvidou @leboob17 in order to enforce cultural activity during the period of isolation, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. *The title regnōsis was inspired by an article written by German future researcher and visionary Matthias Horx, “Die Welt nach Corona”/ “The Post Corona World”.